Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sitting by the fire with Grandpa McCormick

I admit I'm partial to playing with my piano at home, but I really grew quite fond of sitting by the fireplace during my week visit to B.C. It is nice and warm and I love the crackling sound it makes ... not to mention the little black holes in the carpet that I can pick at with my fingers. Grandpa McCormick and I had lots of fun hanging out by the fireplace. Now if only Grandma McCormick would stop worrying that I was getting too close to the fire. As well, the big comfy black chair is awesome. I think Papa needs one of those chairs downstairs so he can watch hockey games on his new television.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

First meeting with Grandpa and Grandma McHardie

... and Keesha. We went over to visit Grandpa and Grandma McHardie on the Tuesday of our B.C. trip. Not yet accustomed to the time difference I woke up super early and played with Maman a bit and after my nap we went over for a visit. I had heard a lot about them and I finally got to meet them in person. We had a lot of fun. I also got to meet Keesha. Keesha is a dog but is smaller than Gribouille. Whenever Gribouille annoys me now I can just point out that he is bigger than a dog. Keesha and I had a blast playing until she decided my game of pulling her ears was no longer fun. She belted out this loud yelp, which left me taken aback. Belle loves it when I pull her ears. So this was a totally new experience.
We came back after lunch and we played some more. Once mid-afternoon rolled around I was really starting to get sleepy, so we had to leave a bit early. It was a great visit. I believe I saw another digital camera snapping photos, but I still haven't seen the photos that were promised to Papa. Perhaps there will be a few more pictures uploaded onto the blog when those arrive.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Why do people keep asking...

People keep asking me whether I have a dog and I don't get it. Doesn't everyone carry around things they may need in their mouth? Clearly Belle and I aren't the only ones that carry around cloths in our mouth, are we?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Three's Company

For some reason blogging has been difficult of late, so here goes another try:
Here is the first in a series of pictures that we took when we were in B.C. two weeks ago. As you can see I had a great time with The Greats. It's rather humourous actually, when I arrived Maman and particularly Papa experience a dramatic decrease in their popularity. I guess that's what happens when you're as cute as me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sick, very sick

Our houze iz very sick right dow (cough cough). Our treep to B.C. wuz awzsome and we have lotz of peektures to put on the blug once we start feeling bebber.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Leaving again

Maman and Elle have just departed back to Fredericton, thus ending a whirlwind tour of B.C. While more indepth missives will be filed in the future, suffice it to say, the last five days have been as richly rewarding as they were frantic and chaotic. Ever evolving sleep schedules and overflowing agendas kept us on our toes from the wee hours of the morning until well past dark.
It was so great to see both sets of grandparents and the great grandparents. Too often family gets shunted aside in our busy lives and so trips like this one really offers a realization of how important family is and how much they are missed when you are far apart.
It was also reassuring to see that Elle can travel well. And a huge thanks to Maman who bravely made the 5,000-K trip alone with the baby. Surely that act alone must put a person in the running for an award of some kind.
We will definitely miss Starbucks cafés on every street corner. A morning pumpkin spice latte habit, however, could get very expensive.
The trip also served as a reminder on why we now embrace strict highway signage policies, strong local zoning laws and tough driver training programs. B.C. may be as close to perfection as possible but that isn't to say some improvements could be made.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Maman and Elle are now boarding the plane in Toronto. So far so good. All the grandparents are so looking forward to seeing them.
More to come...

Monday, October 03, 2005

First day with the new babysitter

This morning was a beehive of activity. Grand-maman arrived and Belle went nuts. Rebecca arrived and Belle went nuts. Everyone wanted to hold me, there was so much going on I could hardly focus. Rebecca and Grand-maman are going to be watching me for the next two days, hopefully, this means even more play time. I love play time. And in a few days I'm going on my first airplane. Thankfully Maman is bringing some food from home because I hear airline food is not very good.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Holy early Christmas Batman!

Maman and Papa just bought a 32-inch flat screen television as the family Christmas present. When they play videos of me I'm going to be bigger than lifesize. Whoa.