Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Elle-Isabella Summer Summit 2006

Just like important world leaders, yesterday afternoon both Elle and Isabella consulted with advisors, received detailed briefings and planned for a new encounter on shared territory. Before leaving the hospital, Isabella was dressed in her new outfit by grand-maman. It is the cutest little suit and it is so small.

Once she was properly dressed, she had to be strapped into her car seat, the same one that we carted Elle out of the hospital in about 18 months ago. Once all the tags were verified and sheets signed, the girls were discharged from the hospital. After 48 hours, we were free at last.

We charted a direct course for our house to get Isabella settled before Elle arrived home for the day. We introduced her to her new nursery, the animals and let her get some much needed rest. Let's face it, she's had one heck of a journey in the last few days. As you can see, maman bought a pretty new bed spread for her.

The bedding is similar to the one that Elle had when she came home from the hospital and in fact is still on her bed. The babies love it because it must be the softest material on the planet and it has such nice colours, well perhaps that babies don't care as much about that. And as Elle soon found, whenever there is some downtime, out comes the video camera!

The initial rendezvous of the sisters went swimmingly. Here they are prior to their breakfast meeting this morning. As you can see Elle is very hopeful that a peace accord regarding their toys can be struck early in the relationship. It's her hope that it can avert any potential emotional explosions in the future. For her part, Isabella could really care less about toys and she's holding out for a better offer down the road.


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