Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parrain's Wedding

About a month ago, I was told that I would be wearing a nice dress and would have to parade down the aisle of a Church I had never been too and look pretty. Now we all know that the looking pretty part was going to be a breeze. Really, let's think about that! I was rather perplex about the rest of the request. Papa and maman explained to me that Parrain was getting married with ma tante Joanne. Now, I was confused....Ma tante Joanne has been around since, well my entire life. What did people mean, getting married?
Well, I figured I would go along since it seemed like this wedding thing could have some benefits. For one thing, Izzie would not be going down the aisle so I was going to be in the spot light by myself.
So off we go to the Church. I have to say that I looked great...Although ma tante Joanne looked pretty nice too. We just won't tell her.... Izzie did try to take the spot light away from me by singing but again, I think I did great.
The wedding was wonderful and I think Parrain and ma tante Joanne had a perfect day for their wedding. It was sort of cool. They had cake, bubbles, horses, dancing and GIFTS! I think I need to get myself a wedding. It even cooler than birthday parties. Here are a couple of pictures. And Congratulations to Parrain and ma tante Joanne!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dr. Bella, am I sick?

There can never been too many doctors in your life. I'm very fortunate to have several general practitioners we can call in case of emergency, and I think we can now add Bella to that list. I explained to her the other day that my tummy wasn't feeling very good, so Bella promptly took out her medical kit and started running a series of tests. It turns out that I'm going to live. But Dr. Bella thought it was touch and go there for a bit, thankfully I didn't need any major surgery because I've seen some of the toys that would have been called into action if I needed an appendix removed or something similar.

We read better this way

Forget the tinfoil hats, Bella and I have discovered that best way to read is to sit on your chair with a plastic container on your head. This only works if you are a true fairy just like us and there aren't others around. As you can plainly see we're quite fascinated by the adventures that await us in these marvellous books, maybe one of the stories will explain how to get little sisters to stop taking all of your toys. Now that would be a story worth reading!