Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, November 19, 2007

My experience with birthday parties isn’t extremely vast but the few events that I have had the pleasure to attend have been memorable. Take for instance, Olivia’s party a few weeks ago – yes, if papa had updated the blog a bit more frequently it wouldn’t have seemed so long ago. How often do you get a chance to put on funny hats, cute dresses and sit on a blanket outside and watch crazy musicians sing songs to you? And the icing on the cake is that in fact you get cake at the end. Every time, a party equals cake.

Being a whole year older than my little sister, I have a bit more perspective when it comes to commenting on birthday parties. In my extraordinarily humble opinion – I get my humility from my papa – the best part of a birthday party is going to someone else’s house and playing with all their new toys. Sometimes, you even get a chance to help them open their presents.

A little girl's best friend

There is a saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. And that may be the case, but right now I think silk pyjamas and a Golden Retriever suit me just fine. There is nothing better than finishing a bath and jumping into a pair of silky PJs that make you feel like a little princess. And once story time has concluded, you jump into your bed and who is beside you, licking your face and toes, your best friend Belle. Until I learn otherwise, I’d say I’m living a pretty good life.

All quacked up

Every now and again, something happens and you think to yourself, ‘I may be only a year old but that seems strange.’ So tell me, does it not seem like one heck of a coincidence that my good friend Olivia and I were both dressed as little fuzzy yellow ducks for Halloween? I’m not saying there was any parental collusion at play. I’m not asking for a grand jury on the matter. I’m just saying, we were both very cute in the same costume. You be the judge.

Papa's girls

Papa has been horribly delinquent in the last 31 days for not updating the blog. It’s not like there is any excuse. Izzie and I have been more than cute, taking dozens of bloggable photos. But no, apparently there are more pressing matters he has to tend to, which do not include updating our fans. It’s shameful really. Just so we keep on his good side in the month leading up to Christmas, here is a picture of papa and his princess and little yellow duck on Halloween.