Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Ok, this whole trick-or-treat gambit is quite perplexing. I get carried around by Papa to houses, he tosses out that lame phrase and all of a sudden people are pinching my cheeks and piling pieces of candy into a bag. I wouldn't want to spurn the attention, but it was the most bizarre evening. There were dozens and dozens of people coming to our door asking for our candy, Belle was going nuts, Griboulle thought the entire situation was quite odd and Toulouse was hiding.
When Papa and I went outside for our walk, one cannot describe adequately the number of ghosts and goblins running around. We were stopped at least twice by people wanting to take my picture. I understand that I'm incredibly adorable but I was surprised by all the attention on my costume.
I want to thank the Humphrey and Barrett-Kaufield homes for sparing some candy.


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