Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, February 23, 2007

That was fun

On Wednesday, I decided that it was time to bring my fun and games to a whole new level. There were many options on the table, I could continue riding the dog, I could pull Gribouille's tail, I could chase Toulouse back onto the book shelf, I could climb into Izzie's crib or I could fake an illness and get rushed to the hospital. So I opted for the later. This was a well-crafted plan, anyone remember Ferris Bueller's Day Off (well I don't but I'm told he could learn something from me)? This commenced a few days ago when I started talking like I had been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for the last decade. On Tuesday, I made sure my temperature started rising and by Wednesday morning, I had my temperature register 104 degrees. For good measure, I began acting extremely cranky, developed a racing heartbeat and started coughing a lot. This started to work, I got a free bath in the morning out of it, although maman made the water a bit too cold.
Within an hour, we successfully made it to stage two: a trip to the hospital! With doctors and nurses rushing around, a flurry of loud speaker announcements and a shortage of beds, I had to ratchet my game up a notch. I stopped talking and started acting really lethargic. Everyone bought it. I mean, me, not talk? Or move? Do people really think that is possible? After a few hours, papa arrived and he really took pity on me. He's such a sucker.
Sadly, my little escapade resulted in my fingers getting pricked twice for blood tests. We had two nice doctors and the one with an Aussie accent let me stay overnight in the pediatric wing! He said I had RSV or Respiratory syncytial virus. But for me, RSV stood for Really Sweet Vacation. I got to stay in a big crib, in a big room and had nice nurses come every 90 minutes throughout the night to take my temperature and put a really neat device on my finger that measured my oxygen saturation. It totally looked like something papa would wear running. And when I woke up, all the nurses and doctors were telling me how cute I was and let me watch cartoons. When maman and Izzie arrived, we all got to hang out in the room together before the doctor told me I had to go home. I guess I couldn't fool him into extending my RSV.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The three Amigos

Just to prove that Izzie and I were playing with Bella on Valentine's Day, here is proof. Normally I'm sure you all would take my word for it but with papa's tardy blogging of late, I thought it was critical to post this evidence
As for me, I think my big sister needs to chill out and give papa a break. Sure he is dreadfully behind in his blogging but as far as I'm concerned, papa can take all the time he needs to for posting new photos. My only true concern in life right now is making sure I can grab my toes and sit up straight.

The two Amigos

On Valentine's Day -- yes, papa is so far behind in catching you up on our lives, we're still talking about Feb. 14, but I digress -- Bella and I got dressed up in pretty outfits and exchanged cards. Maman brought over Izzie to play with us. And before I knew it, everyone was snapping pictures of us together. Really, can you blame them, we are all quite cute you know. Here is my favourite picture of Bella, Lumpy and I just hanging out together.

Bella and Izzie

It's about time that Elle gave me a chance to dictate a blog to papa, she always dominates our e-correspondence. On Valentine's Day, maman took me to visit Elle and her babysitter's house. It was so much fun playing with all the big kids. For me, normally, playing includes tugging the dog's fur when she gets too close. In particular, Bella was really nice to me and gave me a big smooch as a Valentine's present. I can't wait until I get to visit her every day with Elle.

Just keep chillin'

Ahhh, rest. I have to be honest, now that I'm getting old, I just don't have as much energy as I used to have and playing in the snow really drains me. So after some serious time making snow angels, jumping off snow hills and throwing snow chunks (and trying to eat snow when maman and papa aren't looking), I thought it was time for a bit of a snow rest. There are times that I wish I had all of Izzie's energy. Being a big sister is a lot tougher than I thought it would be.

When it comes to blogging, Papa is slow as a ...

The pony I rode on two weeks ago at the Winterfest is faster than papa's blogging capabilities recently. Now he keeps telling me that his work is way too hectic to be spending hours extolling the virtues of having two wonderful daughters. We'll cut him a bit of slack, although he has been put on notice that if he doesn't start improving his blogging output he's going to sleep with the ponies.
When it comes to riding ponies if I learned anything two weekends ago, it is safety comes when you hold tightly onto the mane. When I got home that night, I looked at the dog and thought to myself, she could be a pony. So I hopped on Belle, tugged at her fur and told her to start moving. Well, for some reason, she doesn't like it as much as the pony did. What a pity. I guess we'll have to work on her a bit more.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The slide

There are many days when I ponder to myself, has papa truly lost his mind. Most times I come to the conclusion that he is in fact all there, but Saturday afternoon falls into the latter category. Or at least it did for a few minutes. We were running from the snow-maze to the pony rides when he started pointing at the big hill. He told me that we were going to go sliding down on our pants. I clearly thought he had lost his marbles.
Unfazed, he picked me up, brought me in this long line of people heading into what appeared to be a snow cave. It was cold and windy and at this point, all I wanted was to play with Bella and see maman. My gloves were off and I had zero interest on putting them back on. Clearly, at this point, the fest had been taken out of Winterfest. A few short minutes later, we turn around and we saw an ocean of people milling about below us. Papa jumped up onto what appeared to be a big ice cube and placed me on his lap. Before I could caution him on the dangers of rapid travel on icy slopes, he wrapped his arms around me and: swoosh. What had taken us the better part of 15 minutes to participate in was over in less than 15 seconds. We zoomed down the hill, yelling, screaming and having fun.

Off to Winterfest!

Our weekend started with an action-packed trip to Winterfest, an icy wonderland on the outer edge of Fredericton. The lact that we had basically hijacked some big farmer's field didn't stop us from watching dogs pulling sleds, or going on pony rides or flying big slides. We'll have more pictures throughout the coming days but I thought it was necessary to show how much fun we had.
The line ups were pretty long so there was lots of time to pose for photos. Izzie, meanwhile, was so bundled up I think she spent most of her time trying to locate her eyes. Aside from just hanging out with maman, papa and Izzie, the best part was seeing all my friends there! Callie and Bella also made an appearance, so that was super cool.