Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Plunging into puddles

A certain joy swept into my life the other day. For the last several months I had become accustomed to piling on three pairs of pants, two shirts, a jacket, a toque and four pairs of gloves before I could go outside. It has been that cold. And I'm only mildly exaggerating, there were times that I pondered the possibility of shaving the dog so I could steal her winter coat. (Then I realized I could just pick up all the hair she leaves on the floors.) So when the skies opened up and we were soaked with a few days worth of rain, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to start puddle jumping. But that's not all, I also gained much needed experience in the events of puddle walking, puddle dancing, puddle splashing, puddle falling, puddle running and puddle swimming.

This is what we call the puddle wiggle wiggle. It's being trademarked so you can't steal my moves. For those who want to try and emulate this state-of-the-art dance form, it's quite simple. Get dressed in splash pants, rubber boots (preferably with a princess on the side) and a rain jacket (the pink toque is an added bonus), find yourself the deepest, muddiest puddle in the neighbourhood. Once you've located that perfect puddle, start swinging your arms and wiggling your bum as close to the water as possible. The artistry needed to perfect this dance is quite extraordinary, so don't be disappointed if it takes some time.

This is the face of a person well worn out from an afternoon of puddle jumping. It's important to reflect on your actions after such an exhilarating event. So with that in mind, I thought it was necessary to take one final stroll through the watery walkway in front of our house and just think about all the fun I had. It won't take long before the sun starts shining every day and the mercury starts rising. Sadly that means all the snow will start receding for another year and the green grass will begin growing in its place. Once spring is here, we'll find other ways to amuse ourself but it won't be nearly as wet and wonderful.


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