Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy 300th blog post

This is such a momentous event in my short life, our 300th blog post. This little site was created way before me and now we're painting pictures and exchanging gifts to ring in this massive achievement. Just look at me, don't I look completely stunned that we've managed to inspire papa into writing 300 blogs and posting so many adorable photos of us? If I'm not mistaken, celebrations as big as this warrant cake, the chocolate kind!
I'm totally with you Izzie and for the record, I was around when this blog was created. In fact, if memory serves I had just told papa to stop reading Jeffrey Simpson's Saturday column to me and do something useful with his time. I'm not sure he appreciated my lecture but it seems to have paid off. Now if only I can get him to shake my hand right now to show how much I've appreciated all of his efforts in the last few years. C'mon, papa, what's wrong, why won't you shake hands? Are you scared?


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