Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, December 26, 2008

I want that one over there!

Picking the proper present to unwrap is a very serious endeavour because it can lead to a greatly enhanced Christmas day experience. When you have an older sister, who at times likes to muscle in on your gifts, you have to be efficient in both unwrapping and choosing your next target. Much like papa, Elle thinks that bigger is better, so you know she'll always go for the biggest box under the tree. How juvenile is that? I'm far more precise in my selections. For instance, it's good to sit on grandmaman because she knows what every gift is and she will start to wiggle when you choose a good one. And, it's good to pull grandpapa in as well because he will always push the best gifts over. So while my sister may beat me in sheer tonnage of wrapping paper next to her, I like to think I end up with the best toys.


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