Monday, November 28, 2005
Fun with tissue

I have to admit that I've watched Belle rip apart many tissue boxes so on Saturday night I decided it was my turn. Now to start it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Only one tissue came out and it was boring. However, the fun grew exponentially once I started pulling out multiple kleenexes at the same time. And did you know if you throw them straight up in the air, the tissues fall around you in a haphazard fashion. Much fun. Once I got mid-way through the box, Maman thought it was time that I stop playing with all the tissue. Until now I couldn't imagine how much Belle was having, so next time I think we should tag-team a box together.
Snow angels

Sunday morning we were treated to a soft dusting of snow. It isn't the first time we've had snow this year but it was the first time the entire family was able to go for a nice walk around the neighbourhood in the winter wonderland.
Obviously I love the Winnie the Pooh snowsuit that Maman bought for me but as you can tell I'm still having difficulty navigating in it. The walk was eventful on many levels and you may be able to spot Belle's tennis ball that she found on the road. I thought it was quite unfair when Maman refused to allow Belle to bring in her ball. Maman's can be so arbitrary at times.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Gribouille's girth

Take a look at this cat, I love him to bits, but he's bigger than me. First I thought it was because I'm small but I'm starting to realize that actually this is one big cat. Toulouse, by comparison, is a fraction of Gribouille's size. While Toulouse may be annoying when he pounces on your toes at least he moves, Gribouille sleeps and rarely does anything else. He looks skeptically at those of us who dare to get in his face. And when he does move he causes environmental disruption. Seriously, when he strolls in front of the window during the afternoon he causes a lunar eclipse.
Papa has tried putting Gribouille on diet food but that failed. I've tried tugging his ears and pulling his hair to get him mobile but he just glares at me. The Garfield, "I'm just big boned", routine only goes so far, perhaps Gribouille needs to be introduced to Jenny Craig.
Monday, November 07, 2005
A busy weekend

Just want to say Bonne Fête Chloé again. I had a ton of fun watching her open up gifts, I wonder if I'll get that many presents on my birthday? I had a wonderful time playing at her house on Sunday, all around me were people not much bigger than I am, running and playing with toys. I was able to get my hands on a little toy, called Dora the Explorer, or something like that. Way too cool. Perhaps I can convince Maman or Papa to get me one too. Chloé has perhaps every Winnie the Pooh character ever made, I had blast playing with all of them.

One of the kids that was really great with me yesterday was Zoe. She's come to visit me a few times at our home and whenever I travel to Bouctouche, she is always showing me around and playing with me. She happens to be a lot taller than I am, I wonder if I'm ever going to be her height?

Here I am just chilling with Maman. It was getting very tiring playing with all the toys. I almost forgot to mention, I got my first birthday party goodie bag, how cool is that.
Is is almost beyond words how busy Sunday turned out to be. Before we went to Chloé's, I got my own windfall of presents. Grand-maman went to Regina recently and stopped in at the Baby Gap and I got the cutest pink rain jacket, I have a penchant for pink jackets. I also have my own telephone now, although it doesn't send e-mail like the Blackberry that Maman and Papa have attached to their hips ... but my phone has way more lights and sounds than their little blue contraptions. Further, Grand-papa and Grand-maman gave me new books and a CD of songs, unfortunately that means Maman is walking around the house belting out all these new tunes at the top of her lungs. Very scary.
And the gifts didn't stop there. Parrain and ma tante Joanne came over and gave me a big Lumpy and Eeyore. (Pictures to come in a few days) I am such a huge fan of Lumpy and now I have an Eeyore, whose tail actually comes off. What more could a baby want?
At Chloé's, I got some time to play with Marraine and mon oncle Steven. The one drawback came when ma tante Lise summoned me to a bedroom, here I thought I was going to have a chance to crawl on all the jackets, which would be very cool. But no, out of nowhere, came this large needle aimed right at my left leg. It was a flu shot. Vaccinating babies without, say weeks of notice, should be against the law. I know, technically, I'm a high-risk age but I had so many toys left to play with. Oh well, apparently it is for the best.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I just can't help myself

I'm completely swept up in this whole crawling craze. Did you know I can get from the far side of the kitchen to the couch without any assistance? Furthermore, I can get myself over to any number of bookshelves and start removing all of the books. The joy is immeasurable. So this morning, Maman is off at work and so I'm keeping Papa on his toes. I've decided that I can pull myself up on the bar stool, I can crawl laps of the hallway and I get into all sorts of mischief in the TV room. In the last week I have been kicking myself for skipping over the crawling chapter in my "How to impress your new parents" manual. If only I had known.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bonne fête Chloé

It's Chloé's birthday today so Maman, Papa, Belle, Gribouille, Toulouse and I all wanted to wish her a happy birthday. We're heading down to Bouctouche on the weekend for her birthday party. I'm very excited because it has been forever since we visited everyone in Bouctouche (this means Papa will be doing a lot of driving and Maman and I will be sleeping in the car).
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
And for my next trick I'm going to flap my arms and fly like a bird

I'm totally stoked. After weeks of kinda crawling, I decided to take the plunge this week and am now firmly ensconced among the crawling class. I love it. Who knew mobility gave you such a sense of freedom. I'm now considering the possibilities of flight, but one step at a time.
Now if I want to drink out of the dog's dish, I can crawl over and do it. I can now get myself over to those wall socket thingys, but neither Maman nor Papa will let me stick my finger in one, that is my task for this week. Crawling has given me the ability to provoke more smiles out of my parents and I have never seen that video camera more than in the past two days. I can get toys that I want to play with and not just the ones I am given. If I knew crawling was this great, I would have started months ago.
UPDATE: Oh and I'd like to point out that my cool blue shirt was a first Halloween present from marraine. I'm pretty cute wearing it if I do say so myself.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ok, this whole trick-or-treat gambit is quite perplexing. I get carried around by Papa to houses, he tosses out that lame phrase and all of a sudden people are pinching my cheeks and piling pieces of candy into a bag. I wouldn't want to spurn the attention, but it was the most bizarre evening. There were dozens and dozens of people coming to our door asking for our candy, Belle was going nuts, Griboulle thought the entire situation was quite odd and Toulouse was hiding.
When Papa and I went outside for our walk, one cannot describe adequately the number of ghosts and goblins running around. We were stopped at least twice by people wanting to take my picture. I understand that I'm incredibly adorable but I was surprised by all the attention on my costume.
I want to thank the Humphrey and Barrett-Kaufield homes for sparing some candy.