Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And for my next trick I'm going to flap my arms and fly like a bird

I'm totally stoked. After weeks of kinda crawling, I decided to take the plunge this week and am now firmly ensconced among the crawling class. I love it. Who knew mobility gave you such a sense of freedom. I'm now considering the possibilities of flight, but one step at a time.
Now if I want to drink out of the dog's dish, I can crawl over and do it. I can now get myself over to those wall socket thingys, but neither Maman nor Papa will let me stick my finger in one, that is my task for this week. Crawling has given me the ability to provoke more smiles out of my parents and I have never seen that video camera more than in the past two days. I can get toys that I want to play with and not just the ones I am given. If I knew crawling was this great, I would have started months ago.
UPDATE: Oh and I'd like to point out that my cool blue shirt was a first Halloween present from marraine. I'm pretty cute wearing it if I do say so myself.


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