Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm reading this and you're not

I know this book looks interesting and that is why I'm reading it and you're not.
In the last 10 and a half months I've been able to accumulate quite an impressive baby library. It seems every few weeks a new package comes in the mail and out pops a few more books. Sometimes the books are in French and sometimes they are in English. At this point I could care less as long as I can chew on the corners. The other evening, I was sitting in my play room and I was trying to read my Bébé Caillou book to Belle, but she only wanted to lick the pages. I must say I was rather heartened by her reaction. The next time either Maman or Papa tells me to stop eating a book, I can just point out that the dog does it too. I love having Belle.


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