Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Two peas in a pod

Mornings are always great periods of great chaos and excitment in our house. Papa scurries around showering, packing his computer bag, eating breakfast and preparing my bags. Maman is just as busy with Izzie, telling Belle to stop eating stuffed animals and trying to get ready for the day.
In the last six weeks, Izzie has grown dramatically and has become less fragile. This means maman and papa are not hovering around the two of us as much when we're playing. This obviously translates into us starting to have more fun together. I often offer her my soother, I show her where her nose is and I love giving her hugs. Sometimes, however, she opposes my expressions of sisterhood with these bizarre little cries, I'm sure she'll come around eventually. This morning Izzie and I were hanging out in her crib and playing. Within a few minutes I had to explain to her that I'm ticklish and she must remember she is still smaller than me.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Honestly papa, get a hair cut

This past Sunday marked my return to the pool. Papa and I put our swimming lessons on hiatus for the summer months but we jumped back into them this weekend. During our winter session, I was one of the smallest and youngest in the class but now I'm among the oldest and most experienced. I've already mastered the art of blowing bubbles, I am second-to-none in terms of arm splashing and I'm the queen of the leg kick. Now if only papa could get a hair cut before we go back swimming on Sunday that would be splendid.

Monday, September 25, 2006

It was this big

My little sister is only six weeks old and already she is prone to exaggeration. So I generally take what she says with a dose of skepticism. But I couldn't help but get excited when she told me that I got a new Lumpy and with her arms stretched out she said it was this big. It turns out she was wrong. Sister Rule #129: Don't lie about Lumpy.

Do you really want me to move?

I figure Izzie is spending a lot of time on this changing table these days. So if I'm going to get my fair share of attention, I should just get comfortable here because eventually someone will notice me. Forget the cute little baby, all she does is sleep and eat. I have personality!

Friday, September 22, 2006

When boredom reigns

There comes a time in every little girl's life when she must reclaim what rightfully belongs to her. The other day I drew my line in the sand. For the last five weeks, Izzie has decided my swing was her swing. If we're going to be sisters we need to set some ground rules. Rule #325: The swing is mine.

Where did my carrot go? Note to Izzie, Rule #823: When I'm eating carrots, get your own, I have enough trouble keeping track of mine.

Come here silly little rabbit

Grand-papa, why won't the little bunny let me pull his ears? Silly rabbit, I'll be gentle with your ears just ask Belle, Gribouille and Toulouse.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Green is such a wonderful colour. Maman and I decided this week that it would be a blast to be outfitted in green. I couldn't help but reflect on how cool the colour green is on that day.
It reminds me of large pastures full of flowers to play in. Izzie's room is green and we always have fun playing in there. Whenever Belle and I play outside we are always covered in green grass by the end. Some of my favourite toys are green. The signs on the way to Bouctouche when we go to visit grand-maman and grand-papa are green. My frog pool is green and we all know how much I love swimming. The trees outside our window is green. Gribouille and Toulouse are often green with envy when Belle eats all my food instead of leaving it for them.
Please feel free to remind me of all the other fun green things around.

Playing with paint

Maman had a brilliant idea the other day, well of coure maman always has great ideas but this was brilliant. She decided it was time for us to play with paints. We poured the red paint into a colourful bowl until there was enough paint to really demonstrate my artistic capabilities. And then, my hidden weapon: the paint brush. Next thing I know, I'm creating a masterpiece. Paint is flying, maman is covering her eyes, Belle is looking for food and I'm having a great time. After about 30 minutes maman had the gall to tell me it was time to clean up. I was not very happy. Now I just need to figure out how to clean the carpet. Hmmm. We'll leave that for papa when he gets home.

Two can play at this game

Gribouille dared me to sit in the basket. He didn't believe I'd climb in. So what have we learned from this? Gribouille is not only big-boned but silly!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

L'il sis

The bus is delayed leaving this morning so papa told me he could post another picture. Izzie is enjoying her long morning stretches but she always seems to be eating whenever her eyes are open. I wonder if I was that demanding when I was her age? I like to think that I'm a fairly laid back little girl, who is rarely demanding. I'm sure maman and papa would agree.

Little Izzie

Here is Baby Izzie chilling out in a new dress that maman bought for her. As much as I find she cries too much and diverts too much attention away from me, I must admit that she is rather cute. I'm sure in not too long she will be instructing papa to write her own blogs. He is such a push-over when it comes to our demands. I can't wait until we're teenagers, maman said that is when we can really have fun. Right now, I just like climbing up on boxes, changing tables and her crib to sneek a peak at her. Despite the obvious drawbacks, being a big sister is a lot of fun.

Monday, September 04, 2006

What do you mean you're leaving again?

I'm not very happy with papa. After almost two full weeks on the road, he has been at home for three nights. Izzie and I have been getting spoiled and now he tells us he has to leave again for a couple more days. Isn't it Sept. 18 yet? I'm only learning about elections now, but let me tell you I'm not very happy with whoever is driving that big blue bus. He is keeping my papa away from us way too much.