Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long overdue Halloween photos

Papa has been delinquent when it comes to posting these Halloween photos. So instead of a long, detailed blog on how that night, which I can barely remember now, unfolded, we're just going to post the photos with a few comments.
As you can see, maman is very efficient in putting on my Heffalump costume. If this were papa, well I'd still be getting dressed.

There had been some preliminary discussion about Izzie joining me on my trick-or-treating expedition. As the temperatures plunged below the freezing mark and the lack of a costume, we decided that Izzie would wait to celebrate Halloween until next year.

Before I could venture outdoors, I had to make sure I could collect my loot. So instead of turning to an empty pillowcase for my goodie bag, we opted for a bright, orange pumpkin sack. In the end I think it was a good choice, although I think my pumpkins were prettier.

Not having papa on the Halloween trail would have been unfortunate. He has a way of circumventing all the houses where they wouldn't appreciate my cuteness and taking me directly to the places with all the candy. That is a very handy talent for your Halloween chauffeur.

Once we got back from the outdoor escapade, I dove into my treats. I don't think I had every fully experienced a sugar high until that night. Maman and papa kept a close eye on what I was eating but relented as I reached into the Smarties bag and then the cheezies bag and then grabbed a Hershey's kiss. Considering I haven't seen any of those treats since Halloween, I've come to understand that won't happen all the time.

But here's my broader question. When something like chocolate tastes so good, how does one help themselves to those cravings. At this point I must say, chocolate is definitely better than Dora. I wonder what else chocolate is better than?

The only think better than trick-or-treating myself was watching all the ghosts and goblins running around from our front window. My efficient use of my evening allowed more time for chocolate consumption while others were still cashing in on the candy sweepstakes.

Near the end of the night, I decided that my Heffalump costume was getting a bit hot so I turned to a more appropriate attire. I decided to keep in the evening's theme, so I put on Mr. Potato Head's glasses and tried to pass myself off as a walking potato. So when does Halloween come again?


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