Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Who knew my parents could pick such a wonderful present. I know they are pretty special people, but seriously, isn't this ballroom the coolest Christmas gift ever? On Christmas morning, I had just finished ripping open dozens of gifts and I was content just playing with my new tea set, books, chairs and various electronic toys. How could the morning get any better, right? Well then papa took me downstairs to the playroom!
Once I hit the second to last stair, I could sense that there was an amazing present waiting for me just around the corner. I bolted away from papa as he fumbled to get the video camera turned on. As I stood in the doorway of the playroom, my hands flew up, mouth dropped and I just remember belting out the loudest "Whoa!" ever ... well, since church on Christmas Eve, but that is a long story. I ran as fast I could over to the inflatable ballroom and dove in head first. I don't know who dreamed up such an invention but they deserve serious kudos.
Papa and I played downstairs for hours on Monday and Wednesday in the ballroom. I've perfected the art of jumping head first through the side window and then doing a somersault into the assorted balls awaiting me. Although I can tell papa isn't a big fan of my newfound entry technique, I'm sure he'll get used to it soon enough. Now I just have to teach Belle that just because I throw a ball out of the room, it doesn't mean she should eat it. Some dogs, they only think with their stomachs!


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