Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Yes these are my gloves. Why do you ask?

Being the smallest munchkin in every circle I travel in, means that inevitably someone is always trying to add just one more layer of clothes on me. Maman is always finding that extra toque or papa is always trying -- and mostly failing -- to put a pair of gloves on my hands. Don't people realize that I am capable of overheating? Seriously folks there is only so much winter apparel that one can wear without resembling a polar bear. As you can well imagine, my choice of gloves this weekend had people swiveling around to stare, even the horse took a second look when I went to pet him with my red hand-warmers. As I looked through my two hats, I told them that yes, these were my gloves!

Look out below!

For reasons passing understanding, papa has never warmed to the idea of snow. He's stuck in this antiquated idea that snow is troublesome and that we should only have a blanket of fluffy, white snow for a week at Christmas each year. Thankfully, Mother Nature has had other plans this year and everywhere I go there are mountains of snow so I can slide down. It doesn't matter how high these hills are or where they are located, as long as I have snowpants on I'm ready to start flying down these makeshift slides. This weekend at King's Landing it was even better because I wasn't the first kid to hatch this hill sliding plan, so there was a nicely formed path for me.

Blackberrying while driving

Apparently rules are being established across the country to ban people from communicating with cellphones and Blackberries while driving. Personally, I think that is ridiculous. In the last few days I have become rather adept at driving my little cars down the hallways, while typing on my Blackberry and I'm even getting pretty good at playing the little game that comes with it. Any attempt to restrict my ability to play with my Blackberry while driving would be a gross invasion of my rights. Now I just need to find my contact number for Blackberry inventor Jim Balsille and I'll send him an e-mail myself!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

They did what with the snow

Seldom does a snow day go by without papa's annoying refrain ringing in my ears, "Don't eat the snow." It seems that I could be playing at the beach in the middle of summer and papa would be warning me not to eat the snow. So you can imagine my total bewilderment this weekend when we ventured off to King's Landing. I could try and explain what this place is all about, but I'm still trying to come to grips with this snow thing.
So we finish eating breakfast with our friends and we start walking outside, when I smell smoke. But there are no fire detectors blasting and nobody seems all that concerned. So I figure, when I Rome, do as the Romans. Izzie starts freaking out, again hardly an uncommon phenomenon, but that is when it struck me; people were eating snow. Not just a few people sneaking a bite, but lined up for it. Quietly I thought to myself, let's all watch papa as his head explodes. But it didn't and you wouldn't believe what these insane people were doing. Not only were they dressed as if they just stepped off the set of some CBC mini-series, they were dipping maple syrup on snow, putting it over a fire and then serving it on a popsicle stick. Izzie and I both thought they sad folk should be sat down to one of papa's lectures, but heck, we were in Rome. So we ate maple syrupy snow on sticks. How weird is that?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anybody out there?

So it turns out, I'm not exactly adept at utilizing binoculars. How was I to know that you are to look through the small circles and not the big ones? Seems rather counter-intuitive to me, but alas, I don't make the rules. What was rather intriguing, once I figured out how to use this odd contraption, was how I could see things outside as if they were right next to me. So here is my questions, do you think we could keep Izzie outside and just look at her with the binoculars? Hmm, likely not. I guess, it was worth a shot.

Would you like a smile with that?

The Easter Bunny brought all smiles over the weekend. Elle and I had such a wonderful time visiting Bouctouche and Cap-Pele because every time we turned around, we had people happy to see us -- not to mention offering us chocolate eggs. For those reasons, Easter is turning into one of my favourite times of the year. Not only can I dress up in fancy clothes, we get to play with all of our cousins and friends. And they know how to have fun and dole out smiles to everyone around them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Watch out for the Red Baron

Once I perfected the art of driving a race car, I turned my attention to flying air planes. At first, Zoe and I showed papa how to command a commercial jet, before I opted to demonstrate my ability to fly this circa-WWI bomber. The West Jet plane did carry more people, but I'm sure you'd agree that this plane matches my temperment much better. And how can you go wrong by flying a red plane? Next time I take papa out for a little twirl on a plane, I'm going to ask him to be a bit more serious and not wave at all the cameras. He is such an amateur.

Maman, let me drive!

Sometimes maman can be so demanding. Does she really think I look like I want her to drive this jeep? I'm a big girl now and at least as responsible as Elle. So I found it absolutely mind-boggling that she even attempted to circumvent me from driving this jeep. Fortunately, this story had a happy ending. I just pointed out how this ride was for little people and how she should let me drive. At times parents can be reasonable when the facts are clearly demonstrated to them. Next time, Elle and I are going to visit the park by ourselves and leave our parents in Fredericton.

Next stop: F1

Maman has always had this fascination with me being a ballet dancer when I grow up, so I hope she is not overly disappointed that I'm opting for the F1 circuit. I've found my new calling after mastering the art of driving this weekend at the theme park. I'm convinced now more than ever that I'm ready for zooming around foreign race tracks at 300 k/mh in a multi-million dollar race car. When papa and I were driving around the track in Moncton, I couldn't help but push him aside because he was driving way too slow for my liking.

The Carousel

Normally it seems that whenever I go around in circles I'm not making any progress. But I found out this weekend that when you are sitting on a carousel horse, travelling in circles is so much fun. Not only do you have maman or papa sitting there on horses -- about three sizes too small for them -- but you have people talking pictures of you, saying how cute you are and you get to stare at all the pretty lights. I tried to take the carousel home with me, but unfortunately papa said it would not fit in the van. Maybe next time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Some light reading

Around our house there is never any shortage of books, newspapers and magazines. Some are running-related, others are fiction, some are in English, others in French. It is never hard to find something to read, what can be a bit of a chore is unearthing a quiet place to actually flip open a magazine and ready without a big sister chasing you or a puppy dog trying to beg for a treat. Sometimes I need to sneak into a corner, far away from the rest of the pack, so I can steal a few moments to read what Martha has to say this month.

Birthday parties are so much fun

I have determined in the last three years or so that I always love a good party. How can you go wrong with pink party hats, fancy dresses, painted fingernails friends and family and lots and lots of food. Sadly, not every party comes with gifts for me, but that is a fact of life and I just need to get over it. Now I just need to convince Izzie that she needs to push up her birthday by a few months. That way I can open up all her presents, unfortunately papa is rather possessive over his gifts, plus he never gets anything that I want to play with.

The Flower Girl

As we all remember, I was an outstanding flower girl this summer at the wedding, now I'm trying to rediscover those talents. We were visiting Olivier on this birthday and I became quite fascinated with these flowers. I'm not quite sure what inspired my curiousity, they don't really smell that good, but they transfixed me for what seemed like hours.

Why I would like another chip, thanks for asking

Maman can be so thoughtful sometimes. There are times when I am craving a chip and I just can find one. Sometimes it's because they are high on a table and I can't see them and other times it's because papa has placed a container of carrots in my way. But maman, she understands the necessity of chips when you're an 18-month-old munchkin.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rock stars

At times when I play the guitar with Bella it feels as if we are being transported from her living room to a stadium stage, in front of a sea of cheering fans. As we begin strumming on the guitar, I can just see the glow of cell phones waving to the beat of the music, in the fashion that my grandparents' generation would use lighters. As we begin singing some of our most well known tunes, such as the Old MacDonald song, the energy of the crowd swells as they join in the chorus. Without fail each time we show our appreciation for our fans by sticking out our tongues, our imaginary world suddenly evaporates and we are back at Bella's house and we are reminded that we should keep our tongues in our mouths. Alas for that moment, each time, it feels like we are rock stars.


For as long as I can remember, I thought eggs were something to be eaten and I've always been warned not to play with my food. So you can imagine my surprise when Connie let everyone paint eggs at her house. Not one to complain, I gladly obliged. Now I'm curious about what food we are going to colour next.

Bella and the Bunny

Easter is just around the corner so that means Bella and I have been busy getting ready for the big day. Apparently a big bunny with floppy ears is going to sneak into my house and hide Easter eggs all over the place. Astonishingly this is all legal, so I'm just rolling with it. Anyway, Bella and I were busy decorating eggs this week. And as you can see, we are not content with simple designs, we are going all out. Sadly, Connie would not let me dunk Izzie into the dye. Some people have no sense of humour but she didn't say anything about Toulouse.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just jammin'

Unlike papa, Elle and I have some musical talent. We love playing instruments whether it is the drums or maracas, so when we go to Connie's we like to take advantage of having a guitar to play.

Breakfast fun

Mornings are so much fun, well, unless Elle is in a grumpy mood because then she turns breakfast time into a bit of a circus. My morning routine starts with cereal, chocolate milk and yogurt. The best part is when I get to smuch my cereal into my PJs and then spread the yogurt, preferably a berry of some sort, through my hair. Life can't get any better than this.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Izzie, stop pulling my hair, I don't have the remote control

Izzie is a wonderful little sister, but she tends to get a tad overly aggressive when she wants the volume adjusted during cartoons. And normally that isn't a problem because I can just pretend not to hear her, but when you are sitting in a laundry basket watching Dora and she really wants to hear what the map has to say, she has no qualms about tugging my hair until I comply with her demands. Sadly in this case, she didn't notice the fact that I didn't have the remote control. Ah, little sisters, what are we going to do with them.

Frosty comes to Fredericton

There is one blessing when it comes to the constant barrage of blizzards that have hit Fredericton in the last few months. And no it isn't watching papa get up early and shovel the driveway each morning, although that is rather humorous. It's the fact that my big sister and I get to sculpt a new Frosty after the snow storms. Here is Frosty's latest incarnation and notice how she has grandmaman's scarf on. And as you can tell, Elle isn't happy that Frosty is wearing her hat. But as I tried to explain to her, Frosty's head may be made of snow, but she could still get cold. So for the greater good of snow people everywhere, Elle offered her a pink hat.