Monday, March 31, 2008
Look out below!
Blackberrying while driving
Sunday, March 30, 2008
They did what with the snow
So we finish eating breakfast with our friends and we start walking outside, when I smell smoke. But there are no fire detectors blasting and nobody seems all that concerned. So I figure, when I Rome, do as the Romans. Izzie starts freaking out, again hardly an uncommon phenomenon, but th
at is when it struck me; people were eating snow. Not just a few people sneaking a bite, but lined up for it. Quietly I thought to myself, let's all watch papa as his head explodes. But it didn't and you wouldn't believe what these insane people were doing. Not only were they dressed as if they just stepped off the set of some CBC mini-series, they were dipping maple syrup on snow, putting it over a fire and then serving it on a popsicle stick. Izzie and I both thought they sad folk should be sat down to one of papa's lectures, but heck, we were in Rome. So we ate maple syrupy snow on sticks. How weird is that?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Anybody out there?
Would you like a smile with that?
The Easter Bunny brought all smiles over the weekend. Elle and I had such a wonderful time visiting Bouctouche and Cap-Pele because every time we turned around, we had people happy to see us -- not to mention offering us chocolate eggs. For those reasons, Easter is turning into one of my favourite times of the year. Not only can I dress up in fancy clothes, we get to play with all of our cousins and friends. And they know how to have fun and dole out smiles to everyone around them.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Watch out for the Red Baron
Maman, let me drive!
Next stop: F1
Maman has always had this fascination with me being a ballet dancer when I grow up, so I hope she is not overly disappointed that I'm opting for the F1 circuit. I've found my new calling after mastering the art of driving this weekend at the theme park. I'm convinced now more than ever that I'm ready for zooming around foreign race tracks at 300 k/mh in a multi-million dollar race car. When papa and I were driving around the track in Moncton, I couldn't help but push him aside because he was driving way too slow for my liking.
The Carousel
Friday, March 21, 2008
Some light reading
Birthday parties are so much fun
The Flower Girl
As we all remember, I was an outstanding flower girl this summer at the wedding, now I'm trying to rediscover those talents. We were visiting Olivier on this birthday and I became quite fascinated with these flowers. I'm not quite sure what inspired my curiousity, they don't really smell that good, but they transfixed me for what seemed like hours.