Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, September 02, 2005

Elle and Belle go bananas

In the last several months I have found this whole concept of sharing rather befuddling. Take for instance the events that unfolded this morning. I just finished scarfing down a container of cereal in record-setting time. And I must say I let Papa off the hook considering I did not tip over the cereal bowl, commandeer the spoon and send food flying or blow raspberries and send cereal bits soaring.
As a reward for my breakfast-eating prowess I was offered banana chunks that I could consume at my own leisure (read: pleasure). Therefore I thought I was completely within my rights as an autonomous infant to offer my faithful friend Belle a few tasty morsels. So there we were minding our own business, me munching on a banana bite and Belle standing with two paws on the ground and two on the high chair rapidly devouring the pieces on the outskirts of the table. And then all of a sudden, we were both startled by Maman's sudden condemnation of poor Belle girl for partaking in the banana-eating festivities.
Consider this, if I tossed the bananas and Belle caught them in the air that would have been fine. Papa would have busted out the video camera. But just because I invited Belle into my space and shared a few banana slices, that is a tragic sin. This adult world is so crazy. Now Belle is relegated to sneaking a few scraps that I accidentally drop on my lap. What a sad, unforgiving world we live in.


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