Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

What do you mean I have to wait until Christmas?

I'm finally starting to come to grips with the whole Christmas concept, but what I cannot comprehend is why Maman puts this wonderful toy (apparently purchased by Great Grandma and Great Grandad) under the tree and I'm told it must stay there. The horn beeps, the little sea creatures from Finding Nemo make sounds or play music and yet it must stay parked under the Christmas tree. I thought the holiday season was supposed to be marked by giving and not witholding. What happened to worshipping and giving little babies presents, forget the gold, frankincense, and myrrh, I just want the camion interactif. (Oh, about the gold, you can remember that, if you like.)
I'm all about being festive in this holiday season but can someone please keep the rules consistent. Either give me the present or don't. Either let me play with the tree or don't. But really, all these assorted rules and exceptions are starting to hurt my little head. Did you know that it is permissable to unwrap a present but if you chew on the corner that is verboten.


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