Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I did it!

Another major milestone just fell by the wayside a few hours ago. Papa arrived home on the last bus, a few minutes after maman and I finished having supper together. The evening started normal enough, but the beef and broccoli must have had some hidden ingredient because I was bubbling with energy after dinner.
As has been noted yesterday, my first step was taken over the weekend. But tonight I was able to string eight, nine, 10 steps together and turn stepping into walking. Seriously. It was so exciting. I didn’t need to prop myself up on walls, dogs or toys. I pushed myself up onto my feet and walked. A few times I got ahead of myself and had such a big smile that I forgot that I actually had to balance myself and ended up sitting on my diaper. Such is life I guess. I’m not sure how this event will rank up with my first day at school, 16th birthday, high school graduation or first university kegger, but right now this is pretty cool.

Now I’m thinking to myself, with all this stardom that comes with walking where do I go next? At first I was thinking of a daytime talk show, but seriously, that is so overdone. I hear CBS is looking for an evening news anchor, and I’ve got more joie de vivre than Katie Couric. Perhaps I can do that, I like the video camera and it clearly likes me. Not to mention the fact that I’m roughly the same size as Steve Murphy and neither he nor I have our driver’s licence. But journalism restricts my creative passions.
So I think I’m going to find something that shows off my gigantic personality. I want a job that where I can wear sunglasses to work and take extended lunch hours on patios. Look at me, don’t I look like I belong in sunglasses? I’m so not stressing this whole baby brother or baby sister thing because they’re really going to have to bring some serious game to compete with my uncanny levels of cuteness.


  • At Friday, April 07, 2006 11:19:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations! Soon you'll be running (if you decide to follow in your father's shoes...which are probably a few sizes too big for you right now).


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