Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Shiney new shiner

As regular readers of my blog have come to realize, I'm all about firsts. So I'm happy to give Elle and Belle's Excellence Adventures an exclusive look at my first shiner. It is not one of those honours you go out of your way to get, it's more like you get it when you can't get out of the way. That was the case yesterday, maman, grand-maman and I were playing downstairs and well one thing led to another and my face had an unfortunate collision with an un-cushioned couch.
The downside it led to a lot of tears, the upside is I now get to show off my first black eye. Belle is now jealous and she is trying to get one too, Toulouse says he gets them all the time we just can't see them and Gribouille, well, he hasn't really had the energy to come and see my new body art.


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