Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm back!

So I've been hearing from the peanut gallery that some are nonplussed with my recent blogging activity. Well, to the naysayers, I'd like to point out that I'm in a very busy part of my life. Perhaps they fail to remember what it is like in the immediate aftermath of turning one. Not only do I have the constant photo sessions and play dates, I also have briefing books to read on various concepts such as, farm animals, colours and bathroom behaviour. There are also significant developmental milestones that I'm charging toward, such as walking. And let me tell you, trying to gain my balance is even more difficult than logging onto this website. All this to say is, cut me some slack. I'm blogging now.

Papa and I were at our third swimming lesson on Sunday. Notwithstanding the fact that this giant bathtub is roughly 30 degrees colder than my bathtub (and you think I'm joking), I love this 30-minute weekly refuge. Swimming is so much fun that it even makes Papa's singing voice sound, well, not as bad. I must say he has mastered, "If you're happy and you know it." Trust me, for awhile I was getting scared for him. I kept saying, "Papa, papa, this is the part where you splash your hands." Anyway, he has figured it out and we are all very happy for that.

One down side to the constant attention a one-year-old receives is that every once and awhile, all you want is to do is play and instead your parents start propping you up in different poses so they can take your picture. I for one had enough last night. They could cajole all they wanted, I did not want to look happy in my rocking chair. That said, my hair cut is kinda cute and you should have seen my new outfit.

Seriously one more photo and teddy-bunny gets it. I'm not kidding around here, I have some considerable teeth action and his ear is one serious chomp from being floppy no more. Back away slowly and put away the digital camera and everyone will come away unscathed.

Finally, a bit of time to sit on my couch and relax, away from the glare of the cameras and the pressure-cooker atmosphere of parental demands of non-stop cuteness. Sometimes all a baby wants to do is read a book. Can't anybody understand that?


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