Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Exactly 365 days ago I was ushered into this world and it has been a fascinating ride ever since. Maman and papa were reminiscing this morning about many things that happened in the immediate time before my arrival. I think they are laughing at me, but I can't really tell. In that time, I've learned to roll over, sit up, stand up, crawl, walk with assistance of walls, tables, Belles, understand when I'm not supposed to be doing something and use phrases like "ma-ma-ma", "da-da-da", "pa-pa-pa" and "bu-bu-bu." And anyone other than I, who can decipher that code, well, good luck.

Thanks to the miracle of photography, time travel is not necessary. So if you can think back one year ago, this was our first family picture at about 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 18. Don't we look cute. Look at me, I haven't been breathing air on my own for more than an hour and I'm a knock out.

And this was taken this morning before maman and papa went to work. A year later and we have only grown as a family and my absolute ability to get what I want when I want has only strengthened. Parents can be so easy to manipulate at times.

For those who want a special trip down memory lane, these are the two BlackBerry messages that papa sent from the hospital shortly after I was born.

Urgent -- Baby bulletin
Hello everyone.
Lisa and I apologize for a mass e-mail but we figured it was the best way to get out the big news. At 7:29 p.m. (Atlantic) we welcomed a baby girl into the world. We don't have a name yet though we expect that shortly. She weighed 7-pounds, two ounces. Lisa is doing well right now and is resting at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital in Fredericton.
More details will follow.

Dan, Lisa and Baby

Delivery Room Dispatch
This e-mail was supposed to be sent shortly after the baby was born but it failed... my Blackberry did not penetrate the hospital walls.)
So you've heard the big news, now the rest of the story. The dog, two cats and I were awaken at 5:40 a.m. with the news that Lisa's water had broken. Moments later the dog was fed and both cats returned to their slumber.
Forced to forge our way through gusting wind and drifting piles of snow in our little Saturn Lisa and I arrived at the hospital at 6:08 a.m. on Tuesday.
Then the waiting started. We tried laps around the L&D wing. We tried watching Canada AM, turns out Seamus is annoying at any hour. The big blue bouncy ball was pulled out. And even the jacuzzi was tested. All to no avail.
Soon we returned to 3117 which was all decked out in pastel curtains, pale pink coloured walls and three clocks, all telling their own version of the time.
Once I discovered the ice machine, I soon became very well acquainted with it. The ice contraption worked quite well, I'm still curious if it was purchased from those diagnostic equipment funds ... but I digress.
Demerol soon became a close family friend. Unfortunately that friend left us far too soon. Fenonyl (sp?) was like a cheap drunk.
By 2 p.m. despite all our efforts we were really not that much further ahead than when we arrived. At that point Lisa acquired a much needed hit of oxytocin -- the contraction jumper cables.
It should be noted at about this time I Blackberried Roy advising him that we were in the hospital and not to panic. Well, Roy being Roy bolted from his office. Lisa and I both apologize to anyone in Miramichi who failed to get their mail delivered on Tuesday on our account.
As the clock struck 5 p.m. the contractions started hitting in a fashion reminiscent of shock and awe. I'd just like to reaffirm right now how humbling this experience has been for me.
It should be noted at this point contractions had been so strong that Lisa defied her previous pronouncements and accepted an epidural.
Within 20 minutes neither of us could recall our objections to the epidural and soon forgot we even cared. Pushing started at 6:50 p.m. and I'd like to mention again how amazing my wife is. If I ever had any doubt in the last nine months how real this whole baby-thing was, I must say those doubts were shattered at 7:01 when I got the first glimpse of the baby's head. Now how cool is that. When 7:29 rolled around the baby was out and looking absolutely gorgeous.
She has dark hair and perfect features, though I am biased. Anyway, I'm needed. Lisa, baby and I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and thoughts over the last few months and we thank you in advance for all the well-wishing that has already started to pour in. Thanks.
We want to apologize to anyone not on the email list but I simply went from my Blackberry. And my thumbs are really tired right now, so I must conclude here.


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