Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas photos

There are so many photos to share with everyone that maman, papa and I are having a tough time deciding which ones we want to post. Here are several with a brief play-by-play, but rest assured there are plenty more still to come.

This was the first present that I unwrapped and it was from Grandma and Grandpa McHardie. I opened it first for the simple reason that it had been wrapped the longest and I had chewed on it enough times that the paper was nice and soft, making for some easy access. Belle and I have discovered in the few days following Christmas that the greatest thing about Little People is how easily they fit in your mouth.

Although there was no unwrapping of this present, maman and papa finally let me play with the Camion interactif on Christmas morning. The Finding Nemo car came from great-grandma and great-granddad and it is a sight to behold. It plays music, offers ocean sounds and has little flashing lights. What more could a baby want in a toy?

What more could a baby want? Well, a car with a phone attached of course. Everyone in this house has mobile phones or Blackberries, so Grandmaman and Grandpapa finally levelled the playing field. As you can see in this picture I'm also wearing the pretty red dress that Grandma McCormick made for me. Whenever a girl is test-driving two new cars on Christmas morning, it is critical that she be wearing a red dress.

I ask you, is there something not right in the world when a Golden Retriever is denied access to a toy cellphone? My good deed for the day on Christmas was allowing Belle to make all of her calls on my phone. What can I say on Christmas, I was all about magnanimous gestures.

Talk about cruel injustices, if it isn't hard enough to put the rings back on this holder, try doing it with maman holding you. I admit my hand-eye co-ordination could use a bit of polishing but under these circumstances it was clearly like trying to hit a moving target. Life is just not fair sometimes.

This is me being cute and pretending that eating Cheerios was sufficient as maman prepared the most amazing Christmas brunch I had ever seen. Ok, it was the only Christmas brunch that I had ever seen, but it was far more enticing than Cheerios and apple juice. But such is life when you are stuck in a high chair and can only eat what is placed in front of you. Let it be known, that I have a long memory and the next time I get my hands on pasta, only one would will come to mind: retribution.

This was a part of the afternoon present-opening session. As I am clearly demonstrating now, what I may lack in gross motor skills, I more than make up in sheer determination. From my brief experience in opening gifts, when you have a tough corner to rip, it always helps if you soak it for a few seconds with your mouth and then claw at it with your finger nails. And if that fails, a sad look to papa and he will offer to start a hole for you. If this Christmas taught me anything -- other than I have a great family -- is to never give up.


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