Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Gribouille's Greetings

The life and times of an oversized and underappreciated (in his mind) grey cat are filled with soaring highs (like sleeping, eating and sleeping) and dramatic lows (like new animals or children invading his home). Such is the life of our feature character today, Gribouille. Gribouille was the first addition to Maman and Papa’s household back in September of 2002 and since that time he has had a front row seat to some very interesting events.
When he was first brought home from the Oromocto SPCA, he was known to have a bit of a “personality.” Well that personality has morphed from a cat who would run upside down underneath the bed at 3 a.m. and bounce off walls at mach speed into a feline who epitomizes compete domestic domination. Belle is roughly four times heavier than Gribouille and 10 times his size, but if he says play time has begun or is over, the Golden Retriever listens. If Gribouille wants to cuddle with Maman, she dutifully puts down her book or postpones her chores.
Without a doubt, Gribouille is the Don Corleone of our family, minus the severed horse head-in-bed situation. Look at him, he has the size, and he even meows like Brando. If cats could wear a ring, does anyone disbelieve that we would be kissing it right now?
That is why when Gribouille said this morning he wanted to send out his holiday wishes on the blog, I advised Papa he should listen. So from Gribouille, to the wider cyber world, Merry Christmas. Oh and Gribouille wants people to know that he would like a new scratching post or one of those foam, cloth-covered beds at Wal-mart and he would pooh-pooh the thought of another animal in his home.


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