Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Independent floor crossing? What's the big deal?

So the main topic of conversation around our household this weekend was the decision of a Miramichi MLA to cross the floor and sit as an Independent. Now this has raised my dander a bit. When I cross the floor independently no one holds press conferences for me. It should be stated that I cross the floor quite often. So I decided to analyze the situation a bit.
No one can argue that I am not independent, just yesterday I decided that I didn’t want to nap so I didn’t. And it didn’t stop there, independent of anyone else, I decided at swimming lessons that I wasn’t going to float on my back and I pulled papa’s chest chair until he acquiesced.
Now let’s deal with the issue of floor crossing. I’ve crossed floors – carpeted, hardwood floor, linoleum and more – and sat on a number of different chairs or surfaces. And I’ve done this all independently. And I’ve also had parties of my own and attended parties for other people. It gets mentioned on a blog, but when this guy does it, all of a sudden it is a media circus. Can someone explain to me the difference? I’m quite hurt. If this means that I need to cross the floor more often then so be it. There is no way I can be more independent. Life just seems so unfair at this point.


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