Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Cabinet shuffle

Papa has been really busy today and all he is talking about is this cabinet shuffle phenomenon. He was describing to me exactly what a cabinet is, well aside from the doors they have locked on me in the kitchen, and the importance of these ministers. So I've been thinking of who I would put in my cabinet and in what portfolio. So far my list looks something like this:
Supreme Ruler of the House: Me
Minister of Finance and Fishy-Faces: Maman
Minister of Baths, Communications, and Running to the store for things Maman said he should have remembered the first time: Papa
Minister for Homeland Security and under secretary for eating plastic toys that pose threats to national security: Belle
Deputy Supreme Ruler of the House, Minister for Wellness Promotion and Secretariat for Sleep: Gribouille
Minister for Counter-Jumping: Toulouse
Minister for Renovation: Grand-papa
Minister for Lullaby Singing: Grand-maman
Minister for Nascar relations: Grandma McCormick
Ministers for Long-Distance Phone Calls: Great-grandma and Great-grand-dad
Ministers for Travelling in a really big van: Grandpa and Grandma McHardie


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