Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Only a week late

Izzie and papa apologize for the lengthy delay in posting her baptism photos. Izzie says it's all papa's fault and well, papa isn't denying so I'll go with her on this one. Being only about five months old, Izzie's memory of the big day is a bit disjointed so I'll do my best to help out where her recollection falls short. We started the day with a few visitors as we got ready for the church. Izzie's marrain decided that she should be the only person to hold her, I'm not sure anyone put up much of a fight.

Once we all unloaded from the caravan of minivans and cars parading out of Lincoln Heights, it was time for the baptism. Personally, I thought we should be running around the church pews and playing with the remaining Christmas decorations. So that's precisely what I did. As for Izzie, she was baptized. Although she smelled better than I did with that oil on her head, I think I had more fun.

It's just not fair, it doesn't matter where we go these days everyone wants to talk to Izzie. They coo at her. They grab her cheeks. They let her pull their finger. (I'm not going to warn her about grandpapa, everyone should discover the danger of that personally.) I realize it was her baptism day, but really she got to lay on the big fancy table all by herself.

Oh, this is much better. See, I'm special too. Grandmaman was very generous and saw the unfair treatment Izzie was getting, so she let me play beside her. Sadly, I'm not sure Izzie even noticed I was there. I wonder if we can get one of these tables at home, they are quite firm and they are high enough that Belle probably couldn't sniff the top.

There Izzie goes trying to be all cute again. Each day I keep trying to tell people that I'm the funny one and she's just following in my footsteps. But for some reason people just has some magnetic attraction to her and she can ham it up with the best of them. At this point, I opted to cut my losses and I went to play with Zoe. She understood my desire to run around the church.

Woe is me. Now she is actually getting people to laugh at herTalk about encroaching on my territory. I've told her repeatedly that I'm the funny one in the family. Day in and day out for almost two full years I've slaved a way on establishing my reputation as the family's comedian and within only a few months she's doing her best to unravel all that hard work. Sisters. Does anyone know how to get a brother? Perhaps they're more co-operative.


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