Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sitting pretty

Look at me, I'm so incredibly adorable. I can sit up and smile and everything, what more could you want out of a seven month old? This new sitting thing is quite amazing. Seriously, if I knew how much more entertaining life is when you're seated like this I would have started doing it months ago. In this position, you are in a perfect situation to lunge at a cat, grab a book that is just out of reach or tug at Papa's pants.
But there is also a European soccer element that also comes into play now that I can sit. How does Euro football (as Papa calls it) have anything to do with sitting you may ask. That's a perfectly valid question. Now that I can sit Maman and Papa think they can start doing chores around the house and not have to worry about entertaining me 24/7. Well, when I started to get bored, all I have to do is wait until they are just out of sight and then: Ooops. I fall down and start screaming as if Elle just took my favourite toy. I'm not really hurt, not in the least but it's pretty funny to see your parents coming sprinting out of nowhere to pick you up. Sometimes they run so fast they almost collide into each other or step on a cat or better yet, Elle!


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