Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Walking in the snow, just like Trudeau

Maman always tells me that Pierre Trudeau was famous for his walk in the snow, so I'm adament that I find out what exactly the big deal is all about. Sure he likely went for his walk somewhere scenic around Ottawa, but Fredericton is just as pretty in the winter.
On the weekend, not only did I go for a walk in the snow in the frontyard, I also went for a walk in the snow in the backyard and between our house and our neighbour's house. I would have went for a few other adventures in the snow, except the wind was picking up, making it a bit chilly so papa and Izzie were starting to complain about all this walking. I'm sure Izzie would have joined me in all my walking expeditions if it wasn't for the fact that her snowsuit is so big and she's so small that it makes it rather difficult for her move, let alone chase me around the property. I keep telling her that she needs to grow faster. Sadly, she claims that she's growing as fast as she can.
The beauty about our new house is that we can now run around in the backyard without maman and papa worrying about us wandering onto the street or getting into any other mischief. I was always a fan of being unpredictable, but even I have to admit there is so much more to do this winter. And with so much snow falling in the last few days, there are endless playtime opportunities, especially in the back, where piles of snow are just waiting for me to jump in them, actually if you listen closely enough you can actually hear them calling my name.


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