Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Wow birthdays are so much fun. I have so many more photos to show and stories to
Wow birthdays are so much fun. I have so many more photos to show and stories to tell, but I wanted to make sure that a few pictures were posted so people can get a taste of my birthday.

This whole chocolate cake experience should definitely be done again. Wow, who knew such a delicacy existed. I think when I grow up and go to university I'm going to really like this chocolate thing and perhaps I can study the impacts this food has on people and their moods. It is making me feel really, really good right now.

Tissue paper, you shouldn't have! As I discovered over the Christmas break, I am a super huge fan of tissue paper. Forget the present inside, I mean, tissue paper is where it is at. Much like chocolate cake, it is soft in your hands and melts in your mouth. Hey that could be a new catch-phrase for a chocolate product. Quick, someone call the patent office.

Sunglasses are a year-round necessity. Not only will they keep out harmful UV rays in the summer, they can help defend against the glare coming off snow. But more importantly they are fun to put in your mouth.

Maman let me have that book, I need to put in my mouth. I'm a baby who must take ownership of all my gifts my immediately putting them in my mouth. That is what Belle does and if it works for her, it's going to work for me.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Breaking News

Elle to avoid only-child syndrome
"New era of playing": Elle predicts, Animal alliance shows cracks
The prospect of Elle spending the rest of her life saddled by the only-child syndrome, much like her father, is now over. Elle and Belle’s Adventures is pleased to announce that in mid-August our home will have another little soul making us smile and terrorizing the animals.
“I’m told having a new brother or sister will usher in a new era of playing so I embrace this news,” Elle said during a Friday morning news conference.
The news is coming on the heels of Elle’s first birthday where it was quite evident that playing by herself with mountains of toys was just not fulfilling for the enthusiastic toddler. While the information is bound to send shockwaves through the grandparent community, it is hard to ignore the hints that were dropped over the last two months.
The forthcoming synergies between Elle and her future sibling are sure to keep her parents on their toes, not to mention the transformative change that will be brought on the entire household. Having a second baby is being greeted with trepidation by some members of the household.
“I’m not saying that I won’t like this new baby,” said Gribouille, chairman of the Leisure Avenue Pets Alliance. “But really can there not be a clause that says because I was the first addition to the family that I get consulted on any future changes?”
The overweight grey cat and self-appointed cat dictator for life pointed to the long-term emotional stress inflicted on Toulouse as a prime example for pre-baby consultations with the alliance.
There are some cracks showing in the movement with Belle offering a minority report, following Gribouille’s statement.
“I’ve been duly informed that an extra baby means more belly scratches and head rubs, ergo I cannot support the fear-mongering and naysaying from my colleagues,” Belle said, with a slipper in her mouth. “Will this also mean more socks to eat?”
A firm date on the baby’s arrival has not been set, although circle the second week of August. The Elle and Belle’s Adventures will keep everyone posted on any breaking news.
For more information, contact Elle.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Exactly 365 days ago I was ushered into this world and it has been a fascinating ride ever since. Maman and papa were reminiscing this morning about many things that happened in the immediate time before my arrival. I think they are laughing at me, but I can't really tell. In that time, I've learned to roll over, sit up, stand up, crawl, walk with assistance of walls, tables, Belles, understand when I'm not supposed to be doing something and use phrases like "ma-ma-ma", "da-da-da", "pa-pa-pa" and "bu-bu-bu." And anyone other than I, who can decipher that code, well, good luck.

Thanks to the miracle of photography, time travel is not necessary. So if you can think back one year ago, this was our first family picture at about 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 18. Don't we look cute. Look at me, I haven't been breathing air on my own for more than an hour and I'm a knock out.

And this was taken this morning before maman and papa went to work. A year later and we have only grown as a family and my absolute ability to get what I want when I want has only strengthened. Parents can be so easy to manipulate at times.

For those who want a special trip down memory lane, these are the two BlackBerry messages that papa sent from the hospital shortly after I was born.

Urgent -- Baby bulletin
Hello everyone.
Lisa and I apologize for a mass e-mail but we figured it was the best way to get out the big news. At 7:29 p.m. (Atlantic) we welcomed a baby girl into the world. We don't have a name yet though we expect that shortly. She weighed 7-pounds, two ounces. Lisa is doing well right now and is resting at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital in Fredericton.
More details will follow.

Dan, Lisa and Baby

Delivery Room Dispatch
This e-mail was supposed to be sent shortly after the baby was born but it failed... my Blackberry did not penetrate the hospital walls.)
So you've heard the big news, now the rest of the story. The dog, two cats and I were awaken at 5:40 a.m. with the news that Lisa's water had broken. Moments later the dog was fed and both cats returned to their slumber.
Forced to forge our way through gusting wind and drifting piles of snow in our little Saturn Lisa and I arrived at the hospital at 6:08 a.m. on Tuesday.
Then the waiting started. We tried laps around the L&D wing. We tried watching Canada AM, turns out Seamus is annoying at any hour. The big blue bouncy ball was pulled out. And even the jacuzzi was tested. All to no avail.
Soon we returned to 3117 which was all decked out in pastel curtains, pale pink coloured walls and three clocks, all telling their own version of the time.
Once I discovered the ice machine, I soon became very well acquainted with it. The ice contraption worked quite well, I'm still curious if it was purchased from those diagnostic equipment funds ... but I digress.
Demerol soon became a close family friend. Unfortunately that friend left us far too soon. Fenonyl (sp?) was like a cheap drunk.
By 2 p.m. despite all our efforts we were really not that much further ahead than when we arrived. At that point Lisa acquired a much needed hit of oxytocin -- the contraction jumper cables.
It should be noted at about this time I Blackberried Roy advising him that we were in the hospital and not to panic. Well, Roy being Roy bolted from his office. Lisa and I both apologize to anyone in Miramichi who failed to get their mail delivered on Tuesday on our account.
As the clock struck 5 p.m. the contractions started hitting in a fashion reminiscent of shock and awe. I'd just like to reaffirm right now how humbling this experience has been for me.
It should be noted at this point contractions had been so strong that Lisa defied her previous pronouncements and accepted an epidural.
Within 20 minutes neither of us could recall our objections to the epidural and soon forgot we even cared. Pushing started at 6:50 p.m. and I'd like to mention again how amazing my wife is. If I ever had any doubt in the last nine months how real this whole baby-thing was, I must say those doubts were shattered at 7:01 when I got the first glimpse of the baby's head. Now how cool is that. When 7:29 rolled around the baby was out and looking absolutely gorgeous.
She has dark hair and perfect features, though I am biased. Anyway, I'm needed. Lisa, baby and I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and thoughts over the last few months and we thank you in advance for all the well-wishing that has already started to pour in. Thanks.
We want to apologize to anyone not on the email list but I simply went from my Blackberry. And my thumbs are really tired right now, so I must conclude here.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Swimming lessons

I either just got back from the world's biggest bathtub or I just had my first swimming lesson that papa has been relentlessly talking about for the last month. After I woke up from my nap, papa whisked me away in the car to an unknown location. At first I thought something shady was going to happen, perhaps the exchange some contraband Cheerios. Instead we arrived at the Fredericton YMCA, a very un-shady location. Running through the parking lot as we were pelted with freezing rain, I was starting to question papa's sanity for bringing me outside on such a miserable day.
We got inside and of course there were people to flirt with, so I went into action. We soon got changed into our swim suits and made our way to the pool. There were supposed to be a few other babies there yesterday, but their parents stayed home, silly them. Our instructor Christine had papa bring me into the pool, truth be told, I wasn't impressed with the pool at first, the temperature is drastically below my tub and grand-papa's pool. After few shivers, I was accustomed to the water. And then the funniest thing happened, papa had to sing in public with the swim teacher. I could not make this up even if I tried, papa sang the Hokey-Pokey song and "If you're happy and you know it". That was alone worth the price of admission.
Although I greeted most of the tasks I was handed with a fair bit of trepidation, I soon mastered all that was asked of me. Papa and I did laps of the shallow end while I was swimming on my stomach and we even a few laps with me on my back. I will admit this now, when it comes to the backstroke, I am no Mark Tewksbury circa Barcelona Olympics 1992. However, I did finally tackle an assignment that I was weary of to start, so papa and I were both happy.
Before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed and papa and I were dodging the driving rain again. I'm a convert to the idea of the swimming pool and I can't wait until next week.

Gribouille is good for something

Everyone in our house always makes fun of poor Gribouille. They poke at his belly and call him rotund. They laugh at him when he flops and mockingly grab things as if an earthquake has just struck Fredericton. But I ask you how many other cats would let me use them as a pillow? I like Gribouille's girth, it is comfortable. I love my cat.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Christmas pictures keep on rolling

I realize Christmas is so last month, but we just got the still photos in, so I ordered Papa to post a few new pictures.

Here I am in Grandma McCormick's dress that she made for me. Faithful readers of Elle and Belle's Adventures will be very familiar with my attire. I think she did a wonderful job, don't you?

Go ahead try and tell me that I don't look cute. Just make the feeble attempt, I dare you. I'm such a cute kid that I can even mix-and-match my hat and dress combo and still be adorable. And very humble too.

Toys, toys, toys. Scattered as far as the eye could see. Honestly, I have never in my life seen our living room with so many presents at one time. It was awe-inspiring to see my name written on so many gift cards. The funniest thing is, people kept whispering behind my back, "Wait to next year." Next year? In the name of everything holy, what is going to happen next year. I need to be prepared for this if it is any bigger.

Some toys were big and perfect for munching. We're all friends on this blog, tell me, if you were my size, wouldn't you eat these mega-blocks? Belle does, so why can't I?

Others were perfect for riding on with Grand-maman. I can't wait until I learn how to ride this and my Finding Nemo vehicle at the same time. I'm pretty stoked at the possibilities that are in my future.

While other gifts were not toys, but were books that I can read with maman. She makes much better voices for the characters when she reads than papa does, truth be told, his voices are rather pathetic but at least he tries.

I also received a nice fluffy teddy bear, like the one from parrain and ma tante Joanne. Overall, I must admit I was rather spoiled on Christmas. It was such an amazing time to spend with everyone, I really quite a lucky girl to have such amazing family.

Friday, January 06, 2006

The new year is upon us

Wow this whole 2006 thing sure snuck up on me. I had always been under the impression that a year was 365 days, my 2005 only had 347 days. I'm clearly feeling like I ran out of time to fulfill all my goals for last year. That said, I'm not one who dwells on the past and I have high aspirations for 2006. For one, I'm thankful that starting in 2006, that oft-repeated phrase which drives me nuts will cease: "It's Elle's first (fill in the blank)." Yes, it takes a brain surgeon to realize that 2005 marked my first Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Winter Solstice, second Tuesday of October, etc. As a highly advanced baby, I'm ready to spread my wings a bit.
After pouring through newspapers and magazines over the Christmas break I realized society's penchant for lists. So I figured the blog should be no different. So I polled Maman, Papa and the Animals on when they predict I'm going to hit four key developmental milestones. And here they are:
What day will Elle walk:
Maman: Before the end of January
Papa: Valentine’s Day
Animals: I don't know but if she pulls my tail one more time, the parents are going to regret their decision not to declaw me. (Gribouille)

What day will Elle say Belle for the first time:
Maman: Sooner than saying Maman and Papa.
Papa: By Papa’s birthday.
Animals: As long as Elle can learn how to get Belle off of me, then I say, earlier the better. (Toulouse)

What day will Elle say Maman or Papa and actually means it:
Maman: I think she means Maman all the time. ;-)
Papa: Before the end of February
Animals: That's a mystery, but as long as it doesn't come with any new desire to pull tails, tug on ears or interrupt afternoon naps. (Unanimous)

Most anticipated Elle event for 2006:
Maman: Her first birthday
Papa: Ditto
Animals: The day she learns how to rub my belly and scratch me behind the ears. Will that happen really soon, oh please, let it happen soon. (Belle)