Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, July 17, 2006

You've got to be kidding me

Every so often papa realizes he's getting low on blog pictures, so he starts asking me to look cute with a certain outfit, or kick a ball or pull a cat's tail (ok that isn't him as much as me just wanting to have fun at Gribouille's expense). Sunday was another one of those days. I was alone minding my own business when papa walked by, the next thing I knew, he was back, armed with the video camera, handing me a fluffy bunny and telling me to look at the lens. I humoured him for about 16 seconds, about 15 seconds longer maman would have lasted and 14 seconds longer than the rules of politeness dictate. So I did what anyone would expect, I invoked my favourite new word: No! You have to give him credit, he's persistent but to eye-rolling excess.


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