No one-trick pony

I'm not exactly sure what the origin of the "one-trick pony" phrase but I know I'm not it. I'm a young girl that can accomplish anything she sets her mind to and more. Grand-maman gave me this kitchenette last weekend when I went for a visit. I've only been playing with it for a few days and I'm learning new things all the time. For instance I can make believe that I'm cooking, already I have more culinary talent than papa. I know that's not a huge stretch, but he's quite a bit older than I.

You think that is special? Well, have I told you about my musical prowess? I have long mastered the piano, thanks to maman's wonderful teaching. So I've decided to broaden my horizons and I'm now learning to play my multi-coloured xylophone. This instrument is fun because not only can I bang it with my hands, I can tap the bars with a plastic mallet. This has given me hours of entertainment. Although papa keeps trying to play it and I don't have the heart to tell him that he has no musical skills. Perhaps someone else can break it to him. But please, do it gently, he has a big, fragile ego

And lastly, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with these bright orange cones but papa says he uses them when he trains Belle so I figure they must be toys. Putting them on my head and running around seems like a pretty cool thing to do now, although if this is their intended use, I'm not how Belle pulls it off. She is a pretty smart dog, so it wouldn't surprise me if she figured it out.
At Friday, July 14, 2006 3:04:00 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
You should ask your parents for a pony!
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