Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Playing with Play-Doh

Where has this weird, somewhat disturbing material been all my life!? Not only can it be bent, stretched, pulled, compressed, mushed and flattened, it can also be eaten by dogs and babies. It must be said, however, maman and papa have tried to kibosh that activity, much to the chagrin of Belle and I. The action all started about a week ago as we were walking through Toys-R-Us and we stopped in the middle of an aisle as maman appeared like she wanted something.

She picked up a box, examined it thoroughly. This act, is not in and of itself, entirely abnormal. A few seconds passed and it was placed back on the shelf and sighed. Folding her hands across her body, she stepped away from the boxes. At this point, I'm growing interested, however papa just pulled a new toy off the shelf and started waving it in my face, so I'm growing rather distracted. As I'm off jumping in the plush toys, maman walked back to the aisle and said something to papa. Showing me the box, she was saying something incoherent to me. I smiled nonetheless, doing this reassures her that she is not entirely nuts. That, however, is not always true.

When we arrived home, I was busy playing in the cupboards and on the vacuum, because that is what you do when you're a baby. Within a few minutes, maman sat down beside me on the floor with the bright box that she purchased at the toy store. At this point, I was still completely in the dark regarding the joy that was about to envelope my world. Then she pulled it out. A big hunk of pre-shaped, blue, non-toxic Play-Doh. Oh my word, this is exciting. I grab it. Mush it in my hands. Try to eat it, wait, maman is taking it out of my mouth. Drat, foiled again. Belle tries to eat it. Maman tells her to leave it. Well, at least I am not alone. This odd smelling substance is now changing shapes, it can be stretched thin or smushed into a big ball. I'm now squealing with delight.

Whoever invented this, I hope is a very rich person right now. Belle and I had so much fun tearing the ball of blue into little itsy bitsy shards of dough. Tragically I'm rarely allowed to play with this new toy and supposedly I'm not allowed to play with it on furniture or anywhere that it could be rubbed into fabric. I'm going to break that rule. Mark my words.


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