Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mmmm... Dirt

Why is it that everything that I think is fun to play with, maman and papa are always trying to take away? Let's take dirt, for instance. Maman was transplanting a few plants on the weekend and I thought it was completely within my rights to eat dirt. And it wasn't really dirt, it was potting soil, so there were tons of nutrients in that black gold. But was I allowed to play on my own? Hardly, in some grand Orwellian gesture, I was blocked from consuming any more soil. Tragic.

The last few weeks have brought endless playtime epiphanies. As just one example, I've really started to appreciate soil and sand. Snow was fine in the winter, but now that spring has sprung I'm constantly finding new ways to play outside. My new sandbox is a constant source of amusement and I'm starting to really dig the entire concept of gardening. Belle is also helping me explore the great outdoors. I just wish she would remember that she's three times my size and it hurts if she steps on me. Then again, I don't feel bad because pulling her ears can be fun when you're bored.


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