Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's all about Attitude

Being able to adequately pull off one Pebbles-esque pony tail on the top of your head takes a fair amount of verve for a baby. But inserting that second pony tail, catapults you to a whole new level that requires equal doses of attitude and style. Let's be realistic, that baby on the bank commercial couldn't do what I'm pulling off. As he or she is worried about that little arrow graphic going up and down, I'm taking cuteness to heights previously unknown. I admit, my ability to churn out piles of blog-worthy pictures comes from my comfort level with the camera. Some shirk the spotlight and avoid the lens, well not yours truly. When I see a camera, I see opportunity. Opportunities to make people smile, chuckle or perform full belly laughs. Or opportunities to capture a particular moment in my life for all time. And it's better when these opportunities all converge at the same time.
It has come to my attention that having attitude is sometimes seen as unbecoming of a little girl. That saddens me because it clearly harkens back to a time when children were supposed to be seen and not heard. If that were the case now, how could I entertain all my adult friends? Look at this killer smile, the only thing more engaging than a 15-month-old smiling with all her teeth is a toddler smiling with a few fresh gaps in their teeth.
So when it comes to having attitude, I'll raise a sippy-cup to that. Oh and Belle too.


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