Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Now I'm famous

This was from Question Period today in the legislature. The debate was focusing on immigration and demographics and it turns out maman and I made quite an impression yesterday.

Mr. S. Graham

: My question to the minister is this. I have just given you five concrete initiatives. Would your government be willing to entertain them?

Hon. D. Graham

: I will inform the Leader of the Opposition that we are working very hard to send him home, so he may have some extra time there too. Certainly, regarding the initiatives that the Leader of the Opposition has announced today, we are very open to that. I made mention that we are working with all stakeholders. We will certainly look at all the information. If the Leader of the Opposition wants to provide that to the minister responsible , by all means. We are certainly working with the New Brunswick Business Council and with different sectors. I can assure the Leader of the Opposition that we will do that. We are very open . I also commend one of the media staff here on helping us to build New Brunswick.

Mr. S. Graham: I, too, would like to congratulate the Kaufield family this morning on the birth of the new baby yesterday. I understand that in Saint John yesterday, Kathy Kaufield did, indeed, give birth to her second child, which is very encouraging. Oh, and Dan McHardie as well, since we are in a friendly mood today.


Papa would like to point out the deputy premier was referring to him all along but the leader of the opposition only realized that once he started getting heckled. Papa would also like to point out, this is not the way he typically likes getting into Question Period. Oh and I'd like to congratulate Jaime and her parents on their new family member.


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