Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labour Day

Labour Day was spent in an organized attempt to keep busy. The first half of the holiday was just Papa and I hanging out because Maman was working. So we went for two long walks with Belle. Despite the sun being out, it was quiet chilly so I went for the autumn-chic look with my funky pink toque. On our last tour around the neighbourhood it was so nice and relaxing that I decided to fall asleep and stayed that way for the remainder of the trek.
When Maman arrived home from work we went and checked out Debbie's new place and then -- my favourite -- we ate green beans from the garden and grass before Papa could mow it. A baby's life just cannot get any better than that.
Considering it was Labour Day, I'd just like to send my best to my pal Sophie's Papa who is currently locked out.


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