Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

18 months old today

I turned 18 months today. This is my last significant age-related milestone before my new brother/sister arrives. It has been a wonderful 18 months. I've learned how to crawl, walk and run. I've learned how to mumble vowels and now speak words. I've mastered how to tug cat tails, pull dog fur and yank heart strings. I can smile at things that make me laugh and tell people when I'm not laughing. Maman has clued into my signs, papa, well he's still trying. I can blow kisses and receive kisses, I give hugs and take them. I try not to complicate life, I'll save that for my teenage years. After 18 months, I'm content with a frog pool, sand box, a loving maman and papa with a three silly pets.


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