Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Wiggle Wiggle

It is impossible to encapsulate all the fun things that happened on Saturday afternoon at my birthday party. I hope over the next few days to illustrate through some fun photos of my friends and I how we celebrated my second birthday party. It didn't take long for the event to flow into the play room so we cranked up the tunes -- which turned out to be Christmas music for some reason, but hey if you want to dance you can dance to anything.
And within a few moments Bella and I were showing everyone how to wiggle, wiggle.
There is a definite art to performing this kind of dance. You have to feel the grove and throw your body in several directions all at the same time. When you're doing that, make sure to have a big smile and laugh really loud. Popular variations of this dance include, wiggling your waist until your diaper almost touches the floor, spin around and around until the room spins faster than you can move and jump as high as you can.
Once you start to tire, if that ever happens, then you have to grab the hand of your nearest parent and start swinging off of them. Now if you have a rhythmically-challenged papa like I do, then you must be very aggressive in make sure he follows the beat or you can just tell him to swing you around until you're both super dizzy.
Bella and I performed several of these feats on Saturday. Sadly the boys didn't seem as interested in dancing with us. I think they though were rather crazy. Perhaps they weren't completely incorrect, but we had tons of fun nonetheless.


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