Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hey, look we can fly!

Look at me, look at me, if I hold out my arms and lift up my legs it looks just like I'm flying. I figured that once I mastered the art of crawling a few weeks ago it was best that I perfect other modes of transportation. Although walking is typically the next logical phase, I decided that it would be more enjoyable to learn the art of flight. So what do you think, does this look right to you? It feels great, the wind flowing through what hair I have and the smiles of everyone taking part in this historic exercise.
My little sister's newfound obsession with taking to the air has rubbed off on me as well. I have to say it is less of a stretch of the imagination to think that I could be the first to flight. I routinely leap off of couches and beds and if papa wouldn't stop me I'd like also be catapulting myself off of counters and any other surface that I can climb onto without anyone knowing. My theory on how best to fly is to run around grandmaman and grandpapa's house as fast as possible in a pretty pink dress and matching slippers and jump as high as I can and wave my arms as hard as I can, just like one of the birds outside the window.


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