Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bedtime stories

Before we go to sleep every night, Izzie and I read stories to maman and papa. They sometimes think they are the ones reading to us, although I think they're slowly coming to the realization, much like every other facet of their lives, we are in total control. Izzie's grasp on language is quite stunning for an eight-month-old. As you can see here, she can follow along with the text of a very complicated book, full of different colours and textures.
This is where Elle is completely wrong. Although I could read if I wanted to, right now all I'm concerned with is trying to put that yellow ball into my mouth without anyone trying to correct me. My motivation at this age is quite simple: eat, sleep and put things in my mouth -- oh and the sleeping thing is optional.


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