Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sharing? That's a joke right?

Now don't get me wrong, for the last year I haven't really minded having my entire life turned upside down by Izzie's crying, taking my food, diverting a significant amount of attention away from me, not to mention gifts, stealing my toys and pulling my hair. I understand the merits of sacrifice. I'm told this is all in the greater good, you know how it goes, it's far better to be a multi-lateralist than just going around doing things on your own. Just consider me the United Nations of sisters. So when I heard we were having a party to celebrate Izzie's first year, I thought the gifts were for me. What has she done in the last year to deserve presents? I'm the one that should be getting the gifts. So if she wants this water table from grandmaman and grandpapa, she's going to have to move me -- no matter what maman and papa say.


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