Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

This present is bigger than me!

In our house, you quickly learn that you must fend for yourself. Anyone who has seen Gribouille can understand that he has learned that lesson quite well. Meanwhile, check out Toulouse, he is slowly coming to that realization. I digress. At my birthday party, when I crawled over to see a pile of presents in our family room, it was heartening to hear that they all belonged to me. One day when I can read as well as Elle, I'm sure I will be able to figure that out on my own. Opening gift bags and tossing around tissue paper is pretty easy for a one-year-old girl. When the present is a few inches taller than you and several pounds heavier than you, I think it is OK to call in the reinforcements. And in our home that means Elle (unless we're talking food and in that case Belle gets the call). There wasn't time to blink before Elle was at my side, explaining in no uncertain terms that she was taking over this present-unwrapping mission. Next thing I know, paper is flying in one direction, the card another. Connie and maman were bracing the box so it didn't smother me, not that my big sister would really have noticed in her haste to check out -- what I must stress -- my gift.


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