Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Hanging out with Bella

For as long as I can recall, every morning, from Monday to Friday, I wake up, eat breakfast, play a bit with maman and papa and then go and visit my best friend Bella. She always finds new ways to make me smile, most notably, Bella teaches me snappy new phrases to impress maman and papa when I get home, such as "Shake your booty!" (For ultimate effect, please make sure that you yell it at the top your lungs with the biggest possible smile on your face.) With the countdown to the first snow fall -- which ultimately leads to a few months of primarily indoor playtime -- Bella and I decided to hang out at a park near her house. After a busy day of running around, sliding and climbing on the monkey bars, Bella and I opted to sit in a pile of leaves and just watch the world revolve around us for a few short moments.


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