Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday morning fun

Grand-papa is up this weekend for a golf tournament ... yes the idea of Grand-papa golfing is hilarious to me too. So he and Grand-maman are hitting the links despite the looming rain.
This morning all five of us jumped into the car and went to Mike's Place for breakfast. I wasn't very impressed by the fact Belle had to stay behind so I embarked upon: Operation Annoying Restaurant Baby. While playing with my colourful cups I'd throw one to the right and as someone was picking it up, I'd throw the other one to the left. They never caught on.
Then I thought I'd ramp up the covert mission by ripping the paper placemats (Christmas will be so much fun) and then trying to eat the paper. Oh and the best part, every few minutes I'd pretend to be fussy and start whining until someone picked me up. Once they were finally done their breakfasts, I thought I'd behave and start flirting with the one-year-old boy who just walked in. Operation Annoying Restaurant Baby: Successfully Completed.
I'm now sleeping as I prepare for the after lunch trip to the mall.


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