Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Surviving the weekend

I know it says September on the calender but feels like mid autumn. I love these early morning jaunts so I can show of my cool toques and inhale the crisp air.
Anyway, back to the latest chapter in profound baby experiences.
I have never experienced this winter phenomenon commonly referred to as Christmas, but I hear there are a lot of gifts exchanged. However, Saturday turned out to be my dry run for this event. We went to Toys'r'Us under the guise of just wanting to pick up a few things and I strolled out of that store with new Peek-a-Blocks, more bath toys, a new bib, a colourful toy drawer and a see-through gate to put by the stairs. I'm not sure the relevance of wrapping these objects in fancy paper and placing them under a tree, but if that is half as much fun as what I enjoyed on Saturday I can't wait for Dec. 25.


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