For all those naysayers out there who believe babies don't have it in them to be a punk, here is proof that I can wear a mohawk better than any of those bad, British punk rock knock-off bands. Connie and I decided on Friday that I was to show off my carefree style as I sat beside the pool, eating a Popsicle and watching Elle and Bella prancing around the lawn. Instead of a nose ring, tattoo or black armband, I decided to display my rebellious side with my hairstyle. There are not many kids that are able to pull off this look, but I think it's quite clear that I have the style and the attitude to make it work. I'm so punk that I don't rebel against traditional icons, such as a government, monarch or capitalism. Instead, I unleash my inner punk against naps, textured food and dogs who eat my cookies. So for all of you inner punks, I say, don't let the forces of conformity shield your true beliefs from public scrutiny, be free, release those shackles!
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