Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Two buddies

Belle is fun to run around with. Gribouille cracks me up when he lets me poke and prod him. It's always a laugh when Toulouse walks into a room. Izzie makes me smile, while maman and papa are always a pleasure to play with when I'm bored. But Bella is my buddy. Every morning when I show up at her house, whether she's still in her PJs, eating breakfast or playing with Bear, she's always happy to see me. During the day, we dance and sing together, sometimes we paint funny pictures or even read stories. There are times when we could get along better, but even then we are still the best of friends. As you can see, we even like to dress the same, I can see her being my buddy for a long time.


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