Elle and Belle's Excellent Adventures (... and Izzie's too)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Will you play with me?

Gone are the days when all I wanted to do is sit by myself, chew on a few plastic toys and wonder when my next bottle would come. Now, I'm a much more avant-garde baby. I treasure the times when I can team up with maman or papa and walk around the playroom on my two, wobbly, albeit steadily strengthening, legs. I never miss out on an occasion to rush over to Belle or Gribouille and roll on them or pet them until they decide playtime is over. Each time Elle and I have a moment to spare, we eat cake and drink coffee from Second Cup with her special plates, cups, cutlery and pots. In reflection, I may one day miss those joyous days of my youth but there is something to be said for this newfound freedom and growing independence.


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