Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hey look up here!
The other night, maman and papa took us to the park down the street and for some reason I had the urge to follow Elle everywhere she went. Up the stairs, down the slide, across the bridge, etc. If she went, I was in hot pursuit. Although she's a bit more fleet of foot than I at this point, I think I did a pretty good job shadowing her.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Pumpkin Pirates
The Pumpkin Patch
Elle and I were tasked with the enviable duty of picking three pumpkins to decorate our front porch with. Now this isn't easy. If they are too big, they would look funny, similarly, if they are too small, then what's really the point? We had to make sure they weren't dented, didn't have unsightly markings on them. And most importantly, I, in particular, wanted to make sure each giant gourd looked like it embodied the spirit of the season with a big smile. If I looked at the pumpkin and it didn't look happy, it was tossed aside. Elle was far less picky than I when it came to picking our prized pumpkins, she just wanted to go and feed the horses again. She and I definitely didn't have our priorities aligned on that day. In the end, I think we were able to strike an amicable compromise, especially because we all know before Oct. 31, maman is going to break down and take us to find even more pumpkins.
Leaves are everywhere

Up in a tree

Monday, October 15, 2007
Hanging out with Bella
Fall fun
Friday, October 12, 2007
Antics in an orchard
It wasn't long ago that I didn't even know what an apple orchard was and now I'm wondering why they were hid from me for so long. Izzie, Olivia and I had such an amazing experience at a local orchard last weekend, producing not only a massive basket of apples but enough memories to last until long after the last apple passes into a pie. I was so excited to run up and down the path between the apple trees, climbing into the trees and dutifully examining each and every piece of fruit that I picked as if it were the most precious diamond. Soon apple season will be gone for another year, but I have already started the countdown until our next trip to the orchard.